Jockey Club "Once Under the Lion Rock" Oral History Theatre Programme

The Jockey Club Once Under the Lion Rock Oral History Theatre Programme is carried out in two phases. In the first phase (2017-2019), more than 300 elderly participants received professional drama training under the guidance of drama tutors. The tutors then collected their true stories and compiled into a script, which was then performed by the elderly participants themselves on stage.

School and community tours were held, with an audience of more than 16,000 people. In the second phase (2020-2024), Chung Ying toured and held exhibition across 14 districts. To reach a greater audience, Chung Ying held roving exhibitions, where oral history stories and replicas of the elderly's artefacts were showcased, across 5 locations.  Attracting nearly 85,000 visitors, these exhibitions were complemented with guided tours and oral history audio guides recorded by the elderly to enable deeper understanding of their stories.

5Jockey Club "Once Under the Lion Rock" Oral History Theatre Programme Website

Past Photos