Authentic Tales brought to Life, Moving You
Since 2007, Chung Ying Theatre Company has been the first professional troupe to integrate “Oral History” and “Drama Training”. The stories of the participants are heard and recorded, not only restoring their experiences and emotions but also passing down the cultural history of Hong Kong through theatre.
In 2008, Chung Ying debuted oral history theatre series with The Way We Grew Up in Hong Kong. The scripts of the plays are based on true stories of the participants, and afterwards performed by themselves on stage after receiving professional drama training.
In 2009, Chung Ying collaborated with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to launch the "Community Oral History Theatre Project", partnering with various district organisations, prompting local culture.
Chung Ying’s contribution in Oral History Theatre is highly recognised locally and internationally. Its Community Oral History Theatre Programme (Shum Shui Po District) – Savouring the Fragrance has won the “Award for Arts Education (Certification of Merit, Non-School Division)” from Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2012. Chung Ying was also invited to present these projects in IDEA 2013 (International Drama/ Theater and Education Association), in Paris. After the sharing, representatives from at least 7 countries recognised and complimented the meaning of the projects.
Sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Chung Ying organised the Jockey Club Once Under the Lion Rock Oral History Theatre Programme, in 2017 and 2020 respectively. It aims to produce district-specific oral history theatre for all 18 districts of Hong Kong, showcasing the unique Lion Rock Spirit of Hong Kong people across different ages and eras.