Theatre in Education (TiE)
Theatre in Education (TiE)

It does not necessarily have to take place in a theatre; it can be in a classroom, playground, auditorium, etc. Through given circumstances, students are immersed in the situation and encouraged to participate in the performance. They continuously experience and reflect upon the story throughout the process.

Love Within Yourself Theatre-in-Education Scheme

Sponsor: Lee Hysan Foundation

Participants: Youth with financial aid and ethnic minorities

Characteristics: It’s the first time to collaborate with The Play House (Birmingham, UK) to stage the classic Theatre-in-Education play, “The Newman Experiment” in Hong Kong, that was an extraordinary theatrical experience to the young audiences, inspiring them to discover values in life.

Content: With sponsors, Chung Ying offered this meaningful TiE for free, providing endless possibilities of personal empowerment and self-exploration.

In Participation

  • Alliance Primary School, Tai Hang Tung
  • Bethel High School
  • Caritas Integrated Family Service Centre - Tin Shui Wai
  • Hong Kong Children & Youth Services – Hung Hom Integrated Family Service Centre
  • Marycove School
  • Our Lady of China Catholic Primary School
  • Pak Tin Catholic Primary School
  • Queen Elizabeth School Old Student's Association Primary School
  • Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School
  • Society of Boys' Centres Chak Yan Centre School
  • St. James’ Settlement – Wanchai Integrated Family Service Centre
  • St. Louis School
  • The Salvation Army Ping Tin Small Group
  • The Superioress of the Sisters of the Precious Blood - Precious Blood Children's Village
  • TWGHs Tuen Mun Integrated Services Centre
  • TWGHs Residential Child Care Services
  • YOT Jockey Club Tin Ka Pin Integrated Youth Service Centre
The Lonely Addicted” School Touring Performances

Presenter: Instituto de Acção Social

Collaborator: Theatre Famers Macau

Audience: Secondary School Students

Characteristics: Forum Theatre is applied for its unique form of audience intervention as the “spect-actor”. Guided by a joker, the spect-actor interferes the plot’s development through direct participation in the dramatic context. Although challenges and difficulties persist in the play, this interaction is expected to yield more choices or solutions, resulting in profound reflections for the audience. 

Content: The school touring performance was about anti-drug. Students were able to witness the adverse effects of drug taking on individuals and their families and to establish their own judgment on the act, reaching to a total of 1827 audiences.

Past Photos